Innovex first moved to Montevideo in the late 1970's. Since it's first location, which was the old video building on main street in Montevideo, it has built and remodeled it's plant several times over the years. It is one of Montevideo's major employers. Plant #1 has a 1200 amp main service to provide power to 12 laser machines and four fifty horse power screw compressors.
The main Plant has had remodeling and additions since day one as the company has and is still continually expanding. The main plant employs over 275 employees with another 70 employed in the Prairie West Mfg. division in plant #2.
The second plant, known as the Prairie West Mfg. division, also has had many remodels and additions through out the busy and growing business years of this thriving Company.
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Last revised: November 09, 2006.